Analysis of the tympanic membrane with the wave equation. · Ricardo

Analysis of the tympanic membrane with the wave equation.

Modeling the vibrational behavior in a isotropic model of the tympanic membrane.

The tympanic membrane is a structure that resides in our ear. The behavior of that little membrane can be modeled by the wave equation:

\begin{equation} \frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial t^2}=c^2\frac{\partial^2u}{\partial x^2} \end{equation}

This equation will be constrained by the values:

\begin{equation} 0<x<l\hspace{2mm} \land\hspace{2mm} 0<t<t_f \end{equation}

The boundary conditions of our system will be:

\begin{equation} u(0,t)=u(l,t)=0 \hspace{2mm} \end{equation}

And the initial conditions are:

\begin{equation} \frac{\partial u_x^0}{\partial t}=0 \hspace{2mm}\land\hspace{2mm} u(x,0)=sin(\frac{n\pi x}{L}) \end{equation}

Where $n$ is the vibrational mode. The values are $n=1,2,3,\cdots$ but I’m gonna observe only the first five vibrational node.

The values that we can use are:

  • $L_T=4x10^{-5}m$ that is the large of the tense part.
  • $L_f=1x10^{-4}m$ that is the large of the flacid part.
  • $t_0=0$
  • $t_f=2.42x10^{-7}s$
  • $E=2x10^7Pa$
  • $\rho_T=1000kg/m^3$ being the density of the tense part.
  • $\rho_f=1200kg/m^3$ being the density of the flacid part.
  • $\mu=0.3$ being the Poison module.

In this case, the propagation velocity $(c)$ is:

\begin{equation} c=\sqrt{\frac{E}{\rho}\frac{(1-\mu)}{((1+\mu)(1-2\mu))}} \end{equation}

I’m gonna use finite difference to solve the PDE. I will use the following libraries.

%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
from numba import njit
from jupyterthemes import jtplot'monokai')

If you’re wondering, what is Numba? It’s a library of Python that makes the codes a lot more fast than before. This can let us run a code in $10ms$ when before the codes run in $5s$. If you want to get more into this, you can check here.

I need to create all the variables i had to use.


#Now, create the variable c

#Now, choose the number of grid points

#Create the arrays for x and t

@njit() #Create a function that calculates the cfl condition
def cfl(c,dt,dx):
    return c*(dt/dx)

#Use it to calculate the CFL condition

print('''The CFL condition is 

That says me that $k_f=0.362$ and $k_t=0.99$. Both criterion are good so we can follow.

Now, it’s time to make to use Finite Difference with our equation. The discretized derivates are:

\begin{equation} \frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial x^2}\approx\frac{u_{x+1}^{t}-2u_{x}^{t}+u_{x-1}^{t}}{\Delta x^2} \end{equation}

\begin{equation} \frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial t^2}\approx\frac{u_{x}^{t+1}-2u_{x}^{t}+u_{x}^{t-1}}{\Delta t^2} \end{equation}

The discretized equation is:

\begin{equation} \frac{u_{x}^{t+1}-2u_{x}^{t}+u_{x}^{t-1}}{\Delta t^2}=c^2\frac{u_{x+1}^{t}-2u_{x}^{t}+u_{x-1}^{t}}{\Delta x^2} \end{equation}

Now, we can use some algebra and get the next equation:

\begin{equation} u_x^{t+1}=k^2(u_{x+1}^{t}+u_{x-1}^{t})+2u_{x}^{t}(1-k^2)-u_x^{t-1} \end{equation}

where $k=c\frac{dt}{dx}$.

This equation can now be programmed. But first, we need to check the first time step so we can calculate $u_x^2$ using $u_x^1$ and $u_x^0$. That means:

\begin{equation} u_x^1=k^2(u_{x+1}^{0}+u_{x-1}^{0})+2u_{x}^{0}(1-k^2)-u_x^{-1} \end{equation}

We don’t know $u_x^{-1}$, that’s outside our time domain and our time mesh, how we can calculate? Well, we can calculate the discretized form our a first time derivate, that means:

\begin{equation} \frac{\partial u_x^{0}}{\partial t}\approx\frac{u_x^1-u_x^{-1}}{2\Delta t} \end{equation}

We know that from our initial conditions, we can get $\frac{\partial u_x^0}{\partial t}=0$. So we have:

\begin{equation} u_x^{-1}=u_x^1 \end{equation}

So, back to our equation to calculate $u_x^1$, we have:

\begin{equation} u_x^1=\frac{1}{2}k^2(u_{x+1}^{0}+u_{x-1}^{0})+u_{x}^{0}(1-k^2) \end{equation}

Now, we have everything that we need for compute the solution.

Thanks to the book Finite Difference Computing with PDEs written by Hans Petter Langtangen and Svein Linge.

I create three functions to solve this PDE. One is where I used the finite difference method. That is:

@njit() #Function to execute finite difference method
def fdm(Nx,Nt,l,tf,k,x,t,n):
    u=BC(u,l,Nx,Nt) #First, we initialize the BC
    u=IC(u,Nt,Nx,x,k,n,l) #And nowm we calculate the IC

    for j in range(1,Nt-1):
        for i in range(Nx-1):
    return u

Also, I use another to put the initial condition on my solution matrix.

@njit() #With this, we can calculate the initial conditions
def IC(u,Nt,Nx,x,k,n,l):
    for j in range(1,Nx-2):
    for i in range(Nx-1):
    return u

And for last, I create a function that impose the boundary conditions.

@njit() #This is for the boundary conditions
def BC(u,l,Nx,Nt):
    for j in range(Nt-1):
    return u

After that, I can solve the equation for different $n$. The graph of the solution of the system are:

I only check the initial time, that is when $t=0$, also the middle time, that is when $t=\frac{t_f}{2}$ and the final time $t=t_f$.

To give a more clean view of the entire system at all timesteps, i create a video.

We can observe that both part have a similar movement. It’s also easy to see that the flacid part have a movement problem and can’t follow the rhythm of the tense part.

That’s all for this post! You can check the jupyter notebook from this problem here.