About me · Ricardo

About me

Hi! My name is Ricardo.

I’m a physics student. curently at my last semester, specializing in computer applied mathematics. I have experience in the application of mathematics for modeling and simulation, as well as numerical data analysis. I have been in several summer schools, courses and projects that have given me the opportunity to hone my skills and open my perspective on what I can do with them. The projects have consisted of research on materials and natural situations using numerical methods applied in different programming languages.

The programming languajes that i mastered right now are:

  • Python
  • Fortran
  • Matlab
  • Julia

Why become a computational scientist?

During my carrer I was taught with a aproximation to what really is solve real life problems using computational mathematics. Without doubt, that got all my atention and I decided to go that way.

After that, I noticed all the things that we can do programming and how I can use it to solve certain problems. I started to associate the computational mathematics with the last courses of my carrer such as Electromagnetic Theory, Statistical Physics, Quantum Mechanics and others. This last thing gives me a plus during classes, because I use programming to give real life applications of the courses, doing projects that let me understand better all the concepts.


Right now I find myself doing my social service in research in the materials science departmenft of the FCFM. My job is to help with computational simulations for research.

I’m working with metallic nanoparticles of different size and see their reaction inside carbon nanotubes of distinct large and diameters. For this, I use molecular dynamic techniques in LAMMPs while I use Python for the creation and modification of nanostructures. Also i use it for numerical analysis of the data resulting from the simulations.

Also, I have knowledge of distinct numerical methods to solve and simulate problems in engineering, physics and mathematics. I know about Computational Linear Algebra and Differential Equations.

Future plans.

I decided to expand my knowledge taking several extra-curricular courses to acquire techniques ahd tols that i wasn’t taught during my carrer. Seeing all the aplications and topics of computational mathematics and computationl science, I decided to study a postgraduate related to that areas to get me especialize like a computational scientist.

Also, i’m working in several projects to acquire more habilities and with that, get a more full portfolio and be prepared for any situation.

Thanks for reading!